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Sheikh Eşref Efendi was invited to the village of the Arhuaco Indians. (10. 01. 2020)

Sheikh Eşref Efendi was invited to the village of the Arhuaco Indians.
"El Amigo del Alma", the Friend of Souls is the name given by the Arhuaco leaders and priests to Sheikh Eşref Efendi.
Sheikh Eşref Efendi, deputy of Mawlana Sheikh Mehmed Adil An Naqshbandi (qs) is a Sufi Master of the Order of the Honorable Naqshbandiyya and has been participating for several years in the international and world-wide World Peace Forum, which was held in Medellin this year.
The peace message of his Sufi Way to Peace Initiative has even reached the Santpa Marta Indians and will be continued in 2020 with South India, Pakistan, Mexico ad the Balkan Countries.
Follow the call of Mawlana: "Come whoever you are!" — hier: Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta.

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