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Conversations with Sheikh Eshref Efendi | SUFI WAY TO PEACE TOUR 2022


Sheikh Eşref Efendi besuchte im Rahmen der Sufi Way to Peace Tour 2022 | Latin America, die Christliche St.-Louise-Schule in Bogota | Kolumbien


Sheikh Eşref Efendi visited St. Louise Christian School in Bogota | Colombia as part of the Sufi Way to Peace Tour 2022 | Latin America.


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Sheikh Eshref Efendi at the Event organized by the Ministry of the Interior and the United Nations Development Program and the Subdirectorate for Religious Freedom Affairs of Bogotá receiving an award as Peace ambassador.



El Ministro del Interior, @danielpal y el Viceministro, @baenacol, realizaron el lanzamiento de la oferta institucional “Más Valores Para Todos” para las más de 9.500 comunidades religiosas que hacen parte de este sector en el país. Destinando una inversión por más de $712 millones de pesos.
Hoy se abrió oficialmente la convocatoria para que las iglesias, confesiones y denominaciones religiosas, federaciones, confederaciones y asociaciones de ministros puedan postularse para ser parte del nuevo convenio de derecho público interno que se suscribirá con el Estado Colombiano.
Con un inversión de $355 millones de pesos, hoy lanzamos la tercera etapa del proceso de caracterización del sector religioso, en ella se caracterizarán 13 departamentos y el distrito Capital: Atlántico, Magdalena, Córdoba, Antioquia, Caldas, Tolima, Chocó, Santander, Meta, Casanare, Caquetá, Quindío, Cauca y Bogotá Distrito Capital.

Der Innenminister @danielpal und der stellvertretende Minister @baenacol haben das institutionelle Angebot "Mehr Werte für alle" für die mehr als 9.500 Religionsgemeinschaften, die zu diesem Sektor im Land gehören, ins Leben gerufen. Die Investition beläuft sich auf mehr als 712 Millionen Pesos.
Heute wurde offiziell der Aufruf an Kirchen, Konfessionen und religiöse Denominationen, Verbände, Konföderationen und Vereinigungen von Geistlichen eröffnet, sich für die Teilnahme an dem neuen internen öffentlich-rechtlichen Abkommen zu bewerben, das mit dem kolumbianischen Staat unterzeichnet werden soll.
Mit einer Investition von 355 Millionen Pesos starten wir heute die dritte Phase des Prozesses zur Charakterisierung des religiösen Sektors, in der 13 Departements und der Hauptstadtdistrikt charakterisiert werden: Atlántico, Magdalena, Córdoba, Antioquia, Caldas, Tolima, Chocó, Santander, Meta, Casanare, Caquetá, Quindío, Cauca und der Hauptstadtdistrikt Bogotá.


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Sufi Way to Peace Tour
Sufi Way to Peace Tour 2022
The Minister of the Interior, Daniel Palacios, and the Deputy Minister, Carlos Baena, launched the institutional offer "More Values for All" for the more than 9,500 religious communities that are part of this sector in the country. An investment of more than $712 million pesos has been earmarked.
Today the call was officially opened for churches, confessions and religious denominations, federations, confederations and associations of ministers to apply to be part of the new internal public law agreement to be signed with the Colombian State.
With an investment of $355 million pesos, today we are launching the third stage of the process of characterisation of the religious sector, in which 13 departments and the Capital District will be characterised: Atlántico, Magdalena, Córdoba, Antioquia, Caldas, Tolima, Chocó, Santander, Meta, Casanare, Caquetá, Quindío, Cauca and Bogotá Capital District.
In addition, an investment of $357 million will be allocated to open the Bank of Religious Initiatives BIIR, in which the religious sector will be able to access around 89 projects.
The National Government reaffirms its commitment as guarantors of the right to freedom of religion and worship in the national territory. Highlighting the contribution of the religious sector in the economy and labour sector in Colombia.
"From the Ministry of the Interior, we have worked with the religious sector on a permanent basis, today we are announcing a bank of initiatives that are ready to finance projects that seek to reduce suicide and address depression in young people and we see religious organisations as a natural ally. They can help reduce suicide rates in many parts of Colombia. There are more than 9,500 religious organisations, providing more than 250,000 people with jobs and contributing to the country's economy." Palacios Martínez said.
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 On March 30th

 Conversations with Sheikh Eshref Efendi in
 External University of Colombia


 "Conversations with Islam".

Current Event (Livestream) Please visit


 The University of Colombia's History Program and Degree
 "Civilizations, Cultures and Knowledge" of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the University Externado de Colombia invite you to the second round table: "Conversations with Islam".

Next Wednesday March 30th from 7:00 am in Room 207 of Block E we have the important visit and lecture of Sheikh Esref Efendi of the Sufi school who will tell us basic elements of the culture, worldview and history of the Muslim community  as well as their relevance and role in modern societies.


On his "Sufi Path to Peace Tour" in many cities and regions such as Jordan, Palestine, Uzbekistan, Iran, India and in Kashmir he spread the spirit of peace in the tradition of the seal of the prophet Seyyidina Muhammed saw.  He has been invited to conferences on Islam and World Peace in South Korea, Brazil, Romania, Italy, Jordan, Canada, Iran, Morocco, Bosnia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Mexico, El Salvador, Ecuador, Colombia, Switzerland, Germany, where he also  one of the 11 members of the German delegation from the immigration authorities took part in the 10th assembly of religious leaders in Lindau.



  Sister Maria Jose Acevedo G.


Director General of the Assalam Islamic Confession and Foundation of Colombia Muslim Women, Peace Ambassador of the Universal Peace Federation UPF, Member of the National Interfaith Table of the Ministry of the Interior, Member of the District Committee on Religious Freedom of the Secretary of Government, Member of ACRE (Colombian Association of Religions and Spiritualities).


Recognized by the Secretary of State of Bogotá for contributing to the promotion of interfaith dialogue as a commitment to peace between religions, recognized by the Professional Council of Business Administrators and the Pilot University of Colombia for perseverance, vocation, work and dedication with social impact projects.


Website University

Sheikh Eshref Efendi

Current events in Bogota | Colombia

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